Strict Rules Must Be Followed By Bookmakers, Gambling Halls, And Casinos

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Romanian gambling organizers must follow an important set of rules starting June 15, when they will reopen their doors for enthusiasts.

It’s been three months since our gambling industry is closed! As of March 17, 14,000 bookmakers, 15,000 casinos, and branches with “pecans”, but also 2,000 locations of the Romanian Lottery are with padlocks on the doors. That means 45,000 jobs in the air, with 90 percent of employees technically unemployed, but also huge damage to the state budget: 210 million euros for the three months of lockdown.

Even though there were discussions with Government officials and those of the Ministry of Finance for the restart of the gambling industry on May 18, this did not happen. And it won’t happen from June 1st either! But the members of the Executive give assurances that from June 15, in the third wave of relaxation, they will be able to resume their activity again.

Even if in the last three months we have focused on the online market, on games and other issues, in vain! It’s not the same thing. Traditional betting is a habit for gambling enthusiasts. There have been huge losses, but we hope to be able to get back on our feet once the street agencies reopen.

In order to receive customers again, strict rules will have to be followed, which will come into force from the moment they resume their activity. If for bookmakers and lottery agencies the rules to be followed are relatively easy to check, the situation changes when we talk about casinos.

But what are the rules that gambling agents must follow from June 15?

There are 20 rules that betting agencies must follow once they are reopened by the Romanian Government.

1. There shall be a disinfectant mat at the entrance to each agency

2. All those who will enter the agency must disinfect their hands, but also take their temperature

3. Access will only be allowed with a mask and it will not be taken down until you leave the location

4. The operating schedule will be shorter or the same, but with several laps, at least two

5. At the entrance to the shift, the temperature of all employees will be measured

6. There will be a maximum of two customers at the same time in the queue when depositing tickets

7. Obligation to indicate on the floor the social distance of 1.5 meters and pasting informative posters

8. Only one person will sit at the tables where customers complete their betting tickets

9. It is not allowed to park in the game room people who do not intend to bet/play

10. The time spent in the agency of a person will be a maximum of 5 minutes

11. Employees will wear masks and gloves throughout the program

12. Only employees can still use the water/coffee machines in the agency

13. Including in the space where the cashiers live, dividing windows will be installed

14. Air conditioning in betting rooms or casinos will not work at all

15. Agencies will be closed every 4 hours for total disinfection or stable and displayed intervals

16. There will be a dividing window between the gambling machines, the “pecans”

17. For agencies that do not install glass, only two out of three appliances will work

18. Only one customer will be allowed on each device, without another companion

19. The disinfecting gel will be available at each casino table, and the dealer will wear disposable gloves.

20. All chips will be disinfected before each game; there is a possibility that even the players wear gloves

With planned reopening and strict rules to be imposed, things wouldn’t be the same in casinos and other gaming centers. That’s why many enthusiasts said, they would rather play poker online while casinos are still in the heat of battling the risk of coronavirus.
