Games of chance are becoming increasingly popular. It is well established that some people are more inclined to gamble than others.
Play as a pastime and for relaxation
For many, gaming is a way to unwind from everyday life. Gambling contributes to relaxation after a hard day. On calm days, gambling can also be perceived as a nice pastime.
Different forms of gambling
On the one hand, there are high-cost and public games of chance such as casinos and horse betting. Due to the higher costs, rich people are more likely to be able to afford these games.
On the other hand, you can find cheaper games such as Lotto where people remain unnamed. Lotteries are more often played by individuals from lower social classes who are primarily interested in winning.
Equalizing function: Desire for social mobility
In particular, people with a desire for social mobility are mainly motivated to gamble by the prospect of winning money. people with little financial means get the hopeful impression of becoming rich and thus climbing up the social ladder by taking part in gambles. People are particularly willing to invest in cheap lottery tickets, which can make a big profit with just a small part of the household budget.
Fashion and accessibility through digitization
Media coverage of safety playground (안전놀이터) casino or lottery winners, but also of gambling as a hobby for the rich and famous, is making gambling a new trend. And like all new fads, there are imitators. When many people gamble, it is automatically interpreted as “correct” behavior and emulated. Added to this is the effect of the prominent gamblers. These are often seen as trendsetters for the rest of the population. On the other hand, peer pressure and rewards through social approval can also contribute to someone’s gambling.
Higher accessibility through online casinos
There are age restrictions in casinos, and the casinos are not open around the clock. In addition, gambling halls are not available everywhere. However, this is different from online casinos. Here you have the opportunity to play at any time and from the comfort of your own home. Although controls are carried out, the higher accessibility encourages gambling. Now, gambling on the internet can be seen as an everyday occupation that is easily accessible even for less affluent people.