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Finance Business Podcast

This information is largely obtained from Servants, Boys and even Apprentices, who attempted to violate their master’s secrets by an organised staff of paid Horse-watchers and Touts who are, as we believe, maintained at the Chief Training establishments in the country at the expense of those Papers. The results of their efforts is to corrupt

Europe I See London I see France


Basic Information That You Must Know When Investing

Betting on a horse race, always check the Tote price of your fancy before making the bet. Cases abound where the joy of backing a long-priced winner is shattered by the realisation that a simple glance at the Tote odds might have brought a much bigger return. Imagine this: you’re at Cheltenham in March 2008


Finance Business Podcast
Kitty Feet

Gambling And Finance

Latest Posts From Kitty Feet

How to Spot Welcome Bonuses

When you first sign up in an online casino the very first thing that comes in your mind is the casino welcome bonus. However, if you are not looking so much then you might hard it to find to spot it.

Basically, a welcome bonus is a type of bonus that is given to new players or by the time you sign up. It can either be in a form of free cash or free spin, or it can also be enough chips to get you to start a game.

Some casinos might not have this, however, most legit online casinos do! It is also best to make sure that while you are signing up in a new casino online, see to it that they are giving casino welcome bonus not just for your benefit but also to help you check if the casino is legit or not.

Getting to Know About Welcome BonusOne of the best things about online casinos is that they offer a welcome bonus. Which non-online casinos or in-store casinos do not have. Basically, these bonuses serve as a headstart for you to start an actual game, or try free spin perhaps.

1. Play in a Legit Casino Website

First thing first, you need to make sure that you find a good website to play with. Don’t just settle for casinos that you see online, but make sure you make a thorough research on it. How legit it is and basically feedbacks from previous players.

Word of mouth is good too!

2. Sign up, and Cash Out

Basically upon signing up and you already have a bonus with you, it is time that you take the chance in cashing out it. Basically, you will have to spend it in a game first— you can take sins and save the rest for cashout.
